Los alumnos de Grade 2 se fueron de campamento a La Floresta.
We would like to share the videos created for «Our Journey to the Solar System» School Project by Grade 2I. We hope you enjoy them!
El pasado jueves trabajamos en el laboratorio haciendo soluciones para obtener cristales de cloruro de sodio y sulfato de cobre. ¡Todos unos químicos!
Felicitamos a los ganadores del Quiz Night 2019: Primer premio para los grupos: “VAMOS QUE VAMOS” Mario Taglioretti, María José Caponi, Inés Bavosi, Esteban Barreiro, Sebastián Pérez, Mariana Navarro, Justino Zeballos, Maite Moldes y “RED HOT TRIVIA PEPPERS” María Bocage, Jorge Tchekmedyian, Nadia Giurovich, Gonzalo Icasuriaga, Elvira Cadenas, Diego Sitjar, Pia Badin, Christoph Rippe. Segundos premios para los grupos: “COMILLAS” Carlos Fleurquin, Magdalena […]
El martes 16 de julio la generación de Grade 5 visitó la Exposición de Leonardo Da Vinci en el Hotel Radisson.
Grade 5 continues caring about the planet and thinking of ways to help the environment. Last week students participated in a competition that asked them to imagine what the vehicle of the future would look like. This was a 2D drawing competition. Today, students took these ideas further by creating a vehicle using the Rokenbok […]
Grade 6 worked with our STEM Lab. The objectives were to design and engineer a custom pulley system to solve a challenge. We share our experience.