Junior School (en)

26Mar 2021
25Mar 2021

In Grade 4 we are describing ourselves. The objective is to use more sophisticated adjectives. This activity required drawing our portrait as we are seen on the outside but when it is uncovered the words that represent us appear! It was a fun mix of Art and Language. Look at our Presentation and get to […]

17Mar 2021

Grade 5D English worked in small groups looking for information about the Anglo-Saxons and answering some questions. We used GetEpic! and iPads to do it. Once we had finished, we played a Kahoot! to further revise the content. The aim of this activity was to remember what was studied in Grade 4 about the Anglo-Saxons, […]

17Mar 2021

In Grade 5S we are working with colours, what they are and how to mix them. The aim of this activity was to work collaboratively and paint a Colour Wheel, the tricky part was making all the secondary and tertiary colours only using primary colours. It was a bit messy but we got great results!