Junior School (en)

13May 2021

Compartimos imágenes de nuestro recreo virtual que celebramos con los alumnos de Grade 5. En esta oportunidad conversamos sobre verle el lado positivo a estar en casa, hicimos una búsqueda del tesoro y jugamos a Blooket (juego online que es furor entre ellos).

07May 2021

In our first Topic, we learned that matter can be broken down into molecules, and molecules into atoms. We studied the Periodic Table and how elements are combined to form different molecules.Our project objective was to build a model which represented a chosen molecule using household materials. We hope you enjoy our creations! https://sites.google.com/woodlands.edu.uy/moleculesvirtualexhibition/inicio

30Abr 2021

Taking advantage of the changing season, this week we worked with tree leaves using the rubbing technique. The aim of this activity was to continue exploring colours, introduce the concept of warm and cool colours and recognize them in our everyday life.

29Abr 2021

During this week we have been working on a literacy activity that included different steps. After reading a book about strange characters, we all invented our own monsters and chose several characteristics to describe it. We tried to incorporate new adjectives and varied sentence beginnings. Enjoy the photos and meet our fantastic creations!

29Abr 2021

Para culminar con el estudio de los colores primarios y secundarios, volvimos al círculo de colores, pero esta vez, buscando su representación en objetos cotidianos. El objetivo de esta actividad es reconocer los colores y ser capaz de ubicarlos correctamente en el círculo. Compartimos imágenes de los trabajos logrados.